Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Old Night

GINKGO 6, C-30

I found this tape when I was looking for blank tapes to record on. (Unfortunately I don't usually label tapes at all) I have no recollection of recording it, and I questioned whether it was even me. It sounded surprisingly good. Given the circumstances I don't think it could have been anyone else, but I still don't recall anything about it. I can guess that it was recorded at night sometime in 2010 in Ypsilanti.
Basically it's night time psychedelic guitar music. Someone listened to it and said "You made a Spacemen 3 record." Someone else listened to it and said "Are you sure this is you? It sounds like Les Rallizes Denudes." Are those things true? You tell me.

You can order this tape for $6.50 postage paid in the US. International orders please email Or if you don't want to use paypal, email me.

Man the Hunter 7" and other Gingko cassettes are still available. We are now distributing the amazing Petticoats 45! See below for more info on that. Tapes soon by Damned Dogs, the Jobys, & more, and Bad Indians 7" on the horizon.

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