Saturday, February 5, 2011


Blowout update: Ginkgo showcase info

Atlas Bar in Hamtrack, Friday March 4

9:40 pm Damned Dogs
10:40 pm Turn to Crime
11:40 pm Man The Hunter
12:40 pm Swimsuit

w/ special guest DJs Tim Sendra (Absolute Beginners) and Dustin Krcatovich

We got invited to do a showcase at this year's Blowout. We said, why not? Join us if you can - it's gonna be really fun I think.

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We're doing a showcase at this year's Metro Times Blowout! If you aren't familiar with Blowout, it's an annual event the first week of March where there's a million bands playing at a million bars in Hamtramck.

Our showcase is at Atlas Bar on Friday March 4, and will feature performances from Swimsuit, Man The Hunter, Turn to Crime, and Damned Dogs.

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More tapes coming soon from Damned Dogs, the Jobys, Water Damage 2, and more. In the meantime check out the first Damned Dogs tape over here, it's the first release on Amber's label Kuma Tapes.

Thanks to everyone who has ordered the Man The Hunter 7", hope you are enjoying it and enjoying this winter wonderland. Oh yeah, here's the Deep Cutz writeup on the 7" and some other stuff.

Also, this is a very special show coming up in Ypsilanti: